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November Reading Events and Challenges

Here are some reading challenges and theme events that you can participate in for the month of November.

Novellas in November

746 Books and Bookish Beck are celebrating the art of the short* book by co-hosting Novellas in November as a month-long challenge. 5 Weeks and 5 prompts, so get ready.

NonFiction November #NonFictionNovember

Nonfiction November is a month-long reading initiative that has several organized reading challenges, but one of the most popular is hosted across 5 blogs and there is a theme for each week. Week 1 starts at Libro Fulltime with “Your Year in Non-Fiction.”

Another challenge can be found at Instagram #NonfictionNovember23 maintained by ABookOlive.


Join the finest crew of genre lovers as we ask but what if and we geek out over books, shows, movies, games, music and whatever else crosses our scopes. You can enjoy SF all year round, but SciFiMonth is when we enjoy it together. hosts of Sci-Fi Month 2023: imyril @ There’s Always Room for One MoreMayri @ BookForagerAnnemieke @ A Dance With Books and Lisa @ Dear Geek Place!

Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon

Caffeinated Reviewer is the main host for the 11th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon. This year it will begin at 12:01 am Thursday November 16th and will end Monday, November 27th at 11:59 pm in your time zone.

2023 hoho readathon

To participate, declare your intentions on your blog or through social media and then link back to the HoHoHo Readathon Sign-up page at Caffeinated Reviewer by November 24th. Then be sure to take part in at least one challenge and complete two holiday or winter themed books to be eligible for grand prize.

Thankfully Reading Weekend

2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend runs from November 22-26 (Wednesday through Sunday), 2023. There are no rules to the weekend, we’re simply hoping to devote a good amount of time to reading, and perhaps meeting some of our reading challenges and goals for the year. The official hashtag we’ll be using is #thankfullyreading and check in on any social media outlets or your blog if you have one.

Margaret Atwood Reading Month #MARM

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Announcement – From November 1, 2023 through November 30, 2023 you’re invited to join a month-long celebration. Just read at least one thing by Margaret Atwood or one hundred things. A poem or her Substack post. Something. Anything. Printed page, audiobook, download or display: whatever tickles your fancy. Post about it where you love to bookchat and leave your link to that post at the host’s site.

Yuletide Spirit Reading Challenge and Readathon

Read Christmas themed novels from November 20 through Sunday, December 31, 2023. Of course, you do not have to read only Christmas books, but those are the ones that “count” for this reading challenge … Christmas novels, books about Christmas lore, a book of Christmas short stories or poems, books about Christmas crafts, children’s books (we even have a level for them!), etc. Sign up at Seasons of Reading (there’s also an active Goodreads group).

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